Will you be one in a billion to live a life of purpose?

Will you be one in a billion to live a life of purpose? Some people think about all the things they want to do before they die, but the most memorable people think about the things they actually want to leave after they die. Memories. Laughter. Hugs and Love.
It’s the shortest calendar month, but February is typically filled with the longest moments of reminiscing, romance, and roses. However, in 2021, there is a pandemic overshadowing the month, unbiasedly giving out mourning, grief, uncertainty and stress.
At the time of writing this, our beloved America is nearing 500,000 COVID-19 deaths. I’ve worked as a chaplain supporting the spiritual needs of all denominations and faiths in hospitals. After more than a decade of service, never did I imagine that half a million Americans would lose their lives in under a year from a singular source.
I’ve sat bedside with people as they pass on to the spiritual side of life. They close their eyes and they breathe their last breath, then their body is relieved of all aches and pains. The room feels lighter, but my chest feels heavy, causing me to take a deep breath which honors the life that lives no more.
I’ve found that at the inevitable time of death, most people are not looking for honor, but rather seeking validation for the choices of the life they led. They are concerned about the people they are leaving behind, and they are reminiscent of the time they used – time they won’t get back.
As people transition from life to death, they often question the choices they made. A global pandemic has caused billions of people to question the choices they are going to make. Will you be one in a billion to live a life of purpose? Will you be the one who lives with love? Moreover, will you be able to leave a legacy of love?
If there is hope inside of you and there is love that you want to share, then you still have time to do your part to make the world a better place. You still have breath inside of you to make a legacy for yourself--a legacy that speaks volumes to the character that was uniquely bestowed unto you.
A life with unlimited opportunities and a legacy is also available to you. You’re not alone as you prepare to transition to a life of greater possibilities. Here are three powerful things that you can do today to get you ready to live tomorrow.
Write Out Your Eulogy. Think about what you want people to say about you when it matters most. Write out the best compliments you can think of about yourself and describe the best experiences you hope to accomplish. Keep it to about three to five paragraphs. Then, make this a living document to guide your actions, behaviors, and decisions.
Write Out Your Vision Statement. Think about your wildest dreams and give your mind permission to roam. Imagine a world where you live doing the things that makes you most memorable and successful. If you could be paid for doing what you love most, or do what you most love even without pay, what would you thoroughly enjoy? Summarize and edit the statement to no more than three sentences. Let your mind meditate on the vision entrusted to you.
Write Out Your Motto. This is your time to make a promise to yourself. Think of an action or behavior that you can always commit to that will get you closer to your vision and stay within your eulogy. This should be only one sentence that you can easily recite to yourself daily which will guide you through tough decisions.
Examples: “I’m completely committed to being...” “I work for …” “The best thing in life for me is to be…”
Some people think about all the things they want to do before they die, but the most memorable people think about the things they want to leave after they die. Memories. Laughter. Hugs and Love.
If you are ready to be one in a billion and live a life of purpose, then loving yourself is the absolute best first step. It’s up to you to choose to commit to leaving a legacy of love. Remember, God so loved the world that God included you. Now, what are you going to do with the time that you have left?